
MQL4 - Lesson 7 - Notes

You can access Jim Dandy's MQL4 youtube course here for free. He also has a website with videos here and here. These are my notes of lesson 7:

Leverage Info
  • double leverage = NormalizeDouble((Bid/margin/100))*1000,0);

Buttons for message box 
  • message box is an integer
  • flags used after last comma in message box separated by pipe symbol
  • message box can be used to detect if the ea is on the right timeframe -> int message… ->if (message ==3)messagebox("You pushed …) <- look for correct number (timeframe, symbol) ->yes/no

Write our own function
  • start function calls another function -> has to send along some information-> int start (XXX)
  • e.g. ordersend function -> sends back number, true/false, … -> return (XXX)
  • programm = series of function calls

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